21 Drunk Amazon Purchases That Came With Varying Degrees of Regret
by N/A, 10 years ago |
2 min read
Buying things on Amazon drunk could end up being a horrible mistake, but it an also end up being the BEST thing ever.
1. Would anyone actually be comfortable sleeping on this?

2. Aw, drunk you is so sweet

3. Yeah, I'm sure you cat LOVES this

4. Drunk you wants your cat to be just a bit more fancy

5. Candy+Legos? What more could a drunk adult ask for?

6. Gotta be able to double fist those drinks!

7. Two things only a drunk person would think go together

8. Case full of oatmeal and a case of salt? Check!

9. What drunk person doesn't NEED this horse head?

10. Want your dog to be eaten by a shark? Check!

11. Drunk you is always thinking about being efficient. No need for two leashes!

12. More fancy cats!

13. This isn't a drunk person, this is an amazing and perfect purchase

14. File under "Crazy Cat Lady Purchases"

15. There's nothing that ties these together

16. Ah, the old "Calendar and Tire Pump" purchase

17. Perfect for the NEXT time you're drunk

18. Stuffed squirrel with a couple guns? Perfect for a drunk

19. Drunk notes make it all even better

20. Case in point

21. Ah yes, yoga kittens!

Do not show me this again