So a Lion, a Tiger and a Bear Are Best Friends and It's Absolutely Amazing
In 2001, Atlanta Police shockingly discovered a lion, tiger, and bear in a residential basement, malnourished, wounded, and frightened. After taking in the unlikely trio and discovering numerous infections and maladies with all three, both internally and exteriorly, The Georgia Department of Natural Resources brought the cubs to Noah’s Ark, a non-profit animal sanctuary in Locust Grove, Georgia, for rehabilitation.
After each underwent their own successful yet arduous surgeries for differing injuries and infections, the cubs were effectively brought back to full health. But having endured nearly fatal conditions with each other since being only months old, the trio of predators are astoundingly close, to the point of literally being inseparable. Now, Baloo (bear), Leo (lion), and Shere Khan (bengal tiger) - the only lion-tiger-bear trio in the world - can be found frolicking around, rough-housing, or grooming one another in their shared enclosure at Noah's Ark.

The reason Leo doesn't have a mane, is because he was illegally neutered as a small cub. His lack of mane fur is the result of a lack of testosterone.