These Are the Most Dangerous Games Ever...Can't Believe People Actually Played These
The Medieval Times were definitely a weird section of history, and part of that is because of these 10 super popular games that would most likely leave you incredibly injured, if not dead.
Shinty is a game that fairly resembles field hockey that was very popular in both Ireland and Scotland.
Sword duels weren't so much a game in Medieval times, as they were a way to settle pretty much any issue, including legal issues.
Gameball has some similarities with present day American Football, with the main goal of the game to get the ball past two markers. On the field however, was a lot of violence, including punching and even stabbing. And of course, it was long before pads.
Archery is still around today, and for the most it can be safe, but when it first came around, you can imagine that there were some accidents.
Hunting wasn't just deadly for the animals, but since it was reserved only for nobility, if you were a commoner caught on the hunting grounds you could be punished with all sorts of crazy ways, including being blinded, castrated, hanged or covered in animal hides and chased by dogs.
I mean, this name doesn't even hide the fact that it's potentially deadly. The goal was to bait a bear or a bull into the middle of a ring and then have dogs attack it until it died. Not very nice for the bear or bull, and potentially deadly for you as well.
Another weird fighting technique that had more uses is Irish Stick Fighting. This weird practice that often looked to be incredibly chroeographed eventually became a way to settle tenants issues. So, next time you can't pay your rent on time, just challenge them to an Irish Stick Fight.
This one is super weird...a bunch of people would sit down, and one of them would then put their head in someones lap. A third person would then spank the person who is lying down, and the person lying down has to guess who it was. That's about it.
Throwing giant hammers? What could go wrong?
Of course, the grand daddy of them all, jousting. In what really amounts to a game of intense chicken, a couple knights would run at each other on horseback pointing wooden lances at one another. Again, what could go wrong?