10 Facts You May Not Have Known About Your Own Eyes But Should
The power of the human eye is actually pretty incredible.

UVA and UVB lights affect your eyes just as much as they affect your skin. Although there won't be any visible damage to your eyes, a sunburn can cause them to hurt. That's why wearing sunglasses is super important.Â

University of Copenhagen researchers discovered that a genetic mutation that first appeared thousands of years ago led people to develop blue eyes. Before that, everyone's eyes were brown.Â

Studies have shown the dogs perceive cues from humans by looking at their eyes. This is very similar to how babies learn to interpret cues.

People who once had their sight and later lost it have reported that they can still see in their dreams.Â

We blink about 15-20 times a minute. This lubricates the eye but researchers also believe it's a way to give our brains short breaks.

Nearsighted people have longer eyeballs and people with shorter ones are farsighted.Â

Ommatophobia is the fear of eyes. If you hate making eye contact or your eye doctor makes you squeamish, you may have this fear.Â

The structure of the eye causes it to view your surroundings as upside first. Once your brain perceives the image, it's flip right-side up.

The best recorded vision in history is actually 20/10.

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