22 Facts That Will Make You Want To Marry A Blonde
These facts show how different life can be when you're fair-haired.

The TYRPI gene is native to Indonesian Islands of New Guinea, Fiji, the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. A completely different gene causes blonde hair in western and european areas. These Indonesian Islands are the only places in the world where dark-skinned people are born with naturally blonde hair. Â

Catherine-Rosalie Gerard Duthé was a well known mistress to French and English nobleman. She's also the first officially recorded "dumb blonde." She was known for taking long pauses when she spoke and inspired a comedic play that poked fun at her mannerisms.

She used household bleach, peroxide, soap flakes and ammonia to achieve a lightened look and lost her hair as a result. After her hair fell out, she was forced to wear wigs.Â

Elvis Presley was known for his black pompadour, but he was actually a blonde.

Marie Curie, was the first person to win a Nobel Prize in two sciences and she was blonde.Â

Athena, Aphrodite and Hera were all portrayed with blonde hair.Â