These 4 Things The Human Body Used To Have Will Make You Thankful For Evolution!
The evolution of the human body is seriously interesting. You probably didn't have a clue what your ancestors used to look like.

Early humans were covered in hair to protect them from the elements. It is believed that we lost most of it because we needed to stay cool when we started moving into warmer climates.Â

Everyone had brown eyes at some point. It is believed that only one person had a mutation for blue eyes and spread it throughout Europe. 8% of the worlds population has blue eyes, but that also means that every blue eyes person might have the same ancestor.Â

Apparently, humans develop a tail in the womb that eventually dissolves off. It comes from a primitive primate called the dryomomys szalayi, which is believed to be an early ancestor of humans. Its tail helped it climb trees and gather food.Â

The penises of primate ancestors were covered in spike like spines. It is theorized that this part of the body existed so that males could remove sperm from other males.Â