14 Easy Things You Can Do To Live A Longer, Happier Life
Everyone wants to be healthier, but making these lifestyle changes could help you feel better and live longer.
A stronger lower half means more endurance, balance and strength. This can lead to less slip and falls and less fractures.
Drink one soda a day increases your risk of depression, diabetes, heart disease and weight gain.
You're influenced by the people in your life and if they're forming healthy habits, you might start too.
Forming strong friendships can help combat stress. Hanging out with people you love also release endorphins which will put you in a good mood.
The catechins in green and black teas help prevent heart disease.
Food likes grapes, wine and blueberries can help fight against Alzheimer's Disease and heart disease because they contain polyphenols.
If red meat is a big part of your diet, you may want to cut back. Many people think of it as a catalyst for colon cancer.
Goal-oriented, disciplined people tend to use more brain power than lethargic people.
Getting rid of germs in your home will strengthen your immune system and cleaning burns calories.
People with a positive outlook on life are more likely to thrive in bad situations, are better at dealing with stress and have stronger immune systems.