These Fathers Would Rather Be Any Other Place In The World Than A One Direction Concert
by N/A, 10 years ago |
2 min read
No man should ever have to go endure this...but every Father of a daughter must make sacrifices - even if it means going to a One Direction concert with her. What advice would these suffering dads have for future dads? I'd imagine something like, "expose her to oldies and other good music the second she's out of the womb, and maybe, just maybe, you'll have an outside chance of her hating boy bands."
Let's just start small though, and just hope One Direction isn't around for much longer. For dads...for humanity.
This is what complete and utter loss of hope looks like

Wondering where he went wrong that could've possibly made her end up this way

When all is lost and the pain is too much to bear, all you can do is look the "other direction"

This man doesn't need a hug, he needs a rescuer. And a scotch

Hopelessly stranded in this mad world...
Do not show me this again