You'll Never Want To Visit A Yard Sale Again After Seeing These 16 Items For Sale
by N/A, 10 years ago |
2 min read
Going to a yard sale or a garage sale can be fun, you can always find some pretty cool stuff.
On the other hand, you can also find some horrifying items, like these 16.
1. This absolutely horrible vegetable clown

2. Because who doesn't want to watch a funeral you weren't at?

3. Most dolls are a little creepy, but this one takes the cake

4. Call me skeptical, but I probably wouldn't use these


6. What's for sale? The cage? Or the woman?

7. Please stop selling creepy dolls

8. Watching grandmas dance sounds like a great night to me

9. Seriously, stop it with the dolls

10. Ah yeah, the old "maybe murder couch"

11. I don't know, if he's staying hard, that's a little disappointing

12. Worst. Mug. Ever.

13. "Hi, I'll take all the weird bones you have, please."

14. Yeah, that makes sense I guess

15. This is supposed to be a rocking horse, but I don't know if you can call that a horse

16. Of course, the old sad clown plate, who doesn't want one?

Do not show me this again