If You Thought Your Winter Was Bad, Check Out What These Frogs Go Through
You may have heard people this winter, or in winters past, say something along the lines of "I'm literally frozen right now!"
Here's the thing, those people were not literally frozen. Or if they were, they must have alleviated the situation immediately after saying those words. There are some creatures, however, that actually do freeze every winter, and keep on going with their live as though it were nothing.

If you thought you've been cold this winter, you've got nothing on these frogs. Up to 60% of their body freezes during the coldest months, and their hearts actually stop beating.

The Alaskan wood frogs have an extremely high amount of Cryoprotectants in their skin, which means that the cells of the frogs themselves have extremely low freezing temperatures.

They're freezing organs without damaging the tissues, and this allows them to be preserved for a much longer period of time.