This Muslim Man Stood Blindfolded On A Corner Asking For Hugs. The Results Are Inspiring
by N/A, 10 years ago |
3 min read
With the emergence of ISIS has come a tragically misplaced brand of fear and resentment towards the Islamic culture. Ignorance and fear have lead to a global spread of Islamophobia, despite the fact that the overwhelming majority of Muslims in the world are perfectly peaceful citizens (people have also forgotten, apparently, that nearly every religion has had cases of violent extremism throughout history).
But one social experiment is looking to combat this terrible trend.
The experiment involves the placement of two signs and one man in the middle of downtown Toronto. The first sign reads "I am a Muslim/I am labelled as a terrorist."

The second sign reads "I trust you/Do you trust me?/Give me a hug."

The man stood blind folded in the street, which is part of the name given to the experiment—"Blind Trust Project."

And the city provided on outpour of support.

People went up and embraced this stranger whole-heartedly. And why on Earth shouldn't they?

This man actually got out of his car in the middle of the street just to make sure he gave this man a hug!

The gesture says so much about how completely foolish the notion of Islamophobia is.

The reactions from many were beautiful, though hopefully within time, such an experiment won't even be newsworthy. Islamophobia should be a moot point—but right now, sadly, it is now.

This is a lovely example of people using human interaction and kindness of spirit to combat something destructive and cruel.

Make sure you watch the Blind Trust Project video, too!
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