26 Gifts To Buy For Yourself, Since You'll Be Alone This Valentine's Day
by N/A, 10 years ago |
2 min read
Valentine's Day is just around the corner, which of course means it's just about time to get some great gifts for yourself, since you've pretty much accepted being alone forever by now.
1. This shirt that tells the damn truth.

2. A whole cake for yourself.

Because nothing says "Best holiday ever" like shipping yourself a cake.
3. A pillow that smells like cookies.

Don't sleep with it, you may try to eat it in a dream.
4. Hand warmers that remind you how much you love toast.

Smiling toast at that!
5. A sloth sleep mask.

Want to GUARANTEE someone won't spend the night? Put one of these ones after you finish.
6. A Champagne saber.

Because opening a bottle of Champagne you're about to drink all by yourself normally is just sad.
7. This perfect poster.

A perfect update to the age old catchphrase.
8. This mug that is a pretty good example of why you're single.

9. A fish tank that also doubles as an herb garden.

Because the only friends you need are your pets.
10. A box of cake truffles.

Do not share these, sharing is overrated.
11. Grilled cheese toaster bags.

Because a panini press is too expensive, and will cut into your grilled cheese supply budget.
12. This pillow that applies to you and no one else.

You really are,
13. A Saint Tina Belcher candle.

For when you pray to the butts.
14. Hedgehog Slippers

For those times you don't think your feet are cute enough.
15. Lobster perfume

For when you're trying to attract that sugar daddy.
16. A book that answers the most important question in the world.

And remember, just because it says it won't doesn't mean you shouldn't try, if it's your dream!
17. This shirt that knows whats up.

Take 'em off.
18. A wishing jar.

For those times you're feeling out of character and sincere.
19. Petrossian Champagne-filled chocolate

Because it's chocolate filled with alcohol. Do you need any other reasons?
20. A dino wine stopper.

LOL, as if you ever don't finish a bottle of wine.
21. An all-in-one breakfast sandwich maker.

Because you're alone, have 2 sandwiches.
22. This perfect wall decoration.

"Hey, mind if I stay over?" *Points at wall hanging.*
23. This very smart mug.

It knows what's in your mug, and it's not here to judge.
24. A bouquet of stuffed kittens or stuffed unicorns.

Send one of these to your office from you "secret admirer" and make your coworkers jealous.
25. These socks that tell it how it is.

Good advice, socks.
26. These necklaces that don't hold any punches.


"Blah, Blah, Blah"
Do not show me this again