Nothing Quite Sums Up Walmart As Well As These Crazy Pictures
by N/A, 10 years ago |
2 min read
No other place in the world has such an abundance of products at such ridiculously low prices. And no other place in the world has these sort of things happen on a consistent basis...only Walmart.
1. Their carts are convertible for kids AND geriatrics

2. I'm surprised her purse is still there to be honest

3. No one ever even notices Earl's unauthorized breaks. No seriously...nobody notices.

4. Technically, she does have the choice to just let go

5. Walmart's CFO blends right in during his visits

6. Walmart: where unruly kids are graciously handcuffed to shopping carts

7. "Yeah ma'am, you're just gonna want to go down to the personal hygiene section, make a left, and go through the automatic doors. As soon as you see the sun, you're back outside."

8. They're hard to avoid because they just develop so, wait

9. You just can't beat Walmart's return policy

10. Hey, when in Rome. Or maybe, "when you don't have an oven" would work better

11. Nothing says "I love you," like $10 cubic zirconium

12. Even if they're clothes are out of your price range, you can't beat their boxes

Do not show me this again