8 Facts About America's Original Gangster: Samuel Adams
by N/A, 10 years ago |
1 min read
You may know lots of facts about Ben Franklin and George Washington...but what about the man who was the real voice behind it all? Samuel Adams is more than just a brewery with phenomenal seasonal brews!
1. He's been referred to as the "Father of America."

2. The revolutionary spirit ran in the family.

Samuel's father was one of the founding members of the Boston Caucus, an organization which had a big influence on the American Revolution.
3. He wasn't a brewer—but he wasn't unfamiliar with the process, either.

Contrary to popular belief, Samuel did NOT brew beer. But he DID work in his father's malt house.
4. He was actually super bad at it.

He was a horrible businessman and the malt house closed pretty shortly after it fell into his hands.
5. In general, Samuel Adams just wasn't very good with money.

His wife had to keep her wits about her while keeping the family comfortable on a super low budget at times.
6. He started a newspaper.

Samuel helped create the Independent Advisor in 1748. It called for independence and free thoughts.
7. It's been suggested that the man on the beer label is NOT actually Samuel Adams.

He went grey really early on in life and his own cousin John Adams described him as being kind of...well...a hot mess.
8. He has the most visited grave of any American Revolutionary.

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