9 Things You Can Do To Cure That Nasty Hangover
by N/A, 10 years ago |
1 min read
Partying is always fun, until the next day when you can't get out of bed because of your hangover. In those situations, here are some possible solutions to fight back.
1. Quaff

Quaff is actually a multi-part cure that involves a milkshake that you likely wouldn’t ever drink under normal circumstances. You start off by taking two aspirin, 200 mg of cysteine, 600 mg of Vitamin C and one Vitamin B Complex pill. You wash all that down with a smoothie made from a banana, V8 juice, strawberries, honey, orange juice, milk, salt and nutmeg. If you don’t throw up first, your hangover disappears (not really, but that does sound vomit inducing.)
2. Hair of the Dog

Drinking more is one way to either A. Avoid the hangover altogether, or B. Put off the hangover until later in the day, depending on who you ask. If you do think a few shots of tequila will help you out, some people suggest adding two Alka-Seltzers in the shot (which just sounds like a great way to ruin a good tequila shot).
3. Menudo

Another home recipe you probably won’t want to eat any other time is the spicy Mexican soup, Menudo. The soup is made from tripe (or cow stomach…) and is said to help even the worst hangover you can imagine. Although many people agree that while you may feel a bit better, you’re actually just being distracted by the combination of spices.
4. Prickly Pear

This fruit from a cactus won’t do anything to ease your headache, but the extract inside can help ease nausea, dry mouth and a lack of appetite. Luckily for you, you won’t have to work to get the extract out of this potentially painful plant yourself, because it can be found in many dietary supplements.
5. RU-21

When you’re really looking to avoid that hangover, you can resort to old KGB secrets. No, really, that’s what RU-21 was originally designed for. It was meant to keep agents sober while their contacts drank, but it eventually came to the US market in 1999. The pill is best taken the night before to prevent the hangover the next morning.
6. Denny's Grand Slam

While it may not CURE the hangover, it will probably make you feel a bit better to have all the fatty food that comes with popular Denny’s meal. If the Grand Slam isn't your thing, feel free to substitute any of your own comfort foods.
7. Go for a Jog

While I’ve never come back from a jog feeling any better, hungover or not, doing some exercising is a good way to help flush out some of those toxins in your body, as well as maybe distract you from your headache.
8. Hypnotism

Hypnosis is shown to help with plenty of issues, if you believe in it. You can find hypnosis sessions online that will help ease the headache that comes with a hangover.
9. B12

Many people believe that one of the causes of a hangover is a lack of B12 in your body, so by supplementing that with vitamins or food rich in B12, you may be able to end it faster.
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