11 Cool Facts About Fruitcake. You’ll Never View This Dessert The Same Way
by N/A, 11 years ago |
1 min read
You might hate fruitcake, but it's not going anywhere anytime soon.
fruitcake facts
1. It was served on special occasions for British royals.

It was often present at weddings and holidays.
2. Fruitcake has traveled to space.

A pineapple fruit cake was brought on the Apollo 11 space mission.That fruitcake is currently on display at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C.
3. There are places that actually want to be the fruitcake capital of the world.

Claxton, Georgia and Manitou Springs, Colorado both want the title of Fruitcake capital of the world.
4. It can be used as a weapon.

It's much more dense than a regular cake and you might be able to hurt someone with it, if necessary.
5. Fruitcake has been a joke for years.

Johnny Carson joked on an episode of The Tonight Show in December 1985, “The worst Christmas gift is fruitcake. There is only one fruitcake in the entire world, and people keep sending it to each other.â€
6. It lasts a long time.

If it's placed in an airtight container and created with the right preservatives, it should keep for 25 years.
7. The price of sugar is to blame for its staying power.

Sugar was inexpensive in the 16th century when fruitcake was created. People would soak fruit in sugar to make it last longer, but would put the excess in cake if they needed to get rid of it.
8. Fruit cake dates back to Roman times.

The Romans called it "Satura," which the word satire is derived from. It was made from a mix of seeds, nuts, raisins and honeyed wine.
9. Apparently some fruitcakes taste good.

Some bakers blame the unnatural fruit pieces used in fruitcakes for its bad reputation.
10. The best fruit cake is made with the holy spirit in mind.

The monks at Holy Cross Abbey in Berryville, Virginia sell 10,000 fruitcakes a year.
11. Or just lots of booze.

The monks also make the most booze-soaked fruit cake ever.
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