10 Myths About Sleep You Never Realized Were False
by N/A, 11 years ago |
2 min read
The facts you've been taught about sleep are just plain wrong. Here's the truth about what happens when you lay your head down at night.
1. Counting sheep helps you sleep.

A study found that people who pictured a relaxing place fell asleep faster than those who counted sheep.
2. Your brain is inactive while you sleep.

Your brain is actually just active when you're asleep as when you're awake. Your body, however, does rest. Your bones, muscles and tissues regenerate during sleep.
3. You can only dream in REM sleep.

You can dream during different sleep cycles but they won't be as vivid. You dream for about 2 hours each night.
4. If you die in a dream, you die in real life.

You never actually believed this, did you?
5. The amount of sleep you need changes as you age.

The average adult needs 7-8 hours a night and that doesn't change as you get older.
6. Your body gets used to less sleep overtime.

It actually doesn't adjust to a reduced sleep schedule. Sleeping less can also lead to health problems like increased risk of diabetes or heart disease.
7. Yawning is a sign of being sleepy.

Some species yawn to threaten or seduce. It's also been linked to empathy. People who yawn when seeing someone else do it are said to have more empathy.
8. Working out before going to bed will make it impossible to sleep.

A study found that there was no difference in sleep quality when comparing people who worked out in the morning or at night.
9. You should never wake someone who's sleepwalking.

It's actually not dangerous to wake someone who is sleepwalking, but you might freak them out. Your best bet is to lead them back to bed.
10. If you can't sleep, you should just lay down and wait for sleep to come.

It's actually better for you to get up and perform a light relaxing activity, like reading or some cleaning. You should avoid watching t.v. or going on the computer.
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