16 Facts About Pregnancy That Might Make You A Little Uncomfortable
by N/A, 11 years ago |
3 min read
Pregnancy might lead to the miracle of life, but there's some funky stuff that happens on the journey there...
1. There's only one proven way of inducing labor, that's some very strategic nipple play.

2. The longest pregnancy recorded lasted more than a YEAR.

A year and 10 days, to be exact. I would resent that child...
3. For some reason, twins are way more common in Central Africa than any other geographic location.

4. It's not common...but if there's enough, we'll call it "cross-contamination," a woman can become pregnant through oral sex.

5. Babies pee all up in the uterus while in utero. They also drink that very same pee. A LOT.

6. It's to the point that the amniotic fluid, that gives that little baby sustenance, is majority urine.

7. The baby's first poop is like a work of art--it takes a lot of work and preparation. The baby starts working on that thing at 21 weeks in the womb!

8. While it takes that wonderful period of life called puberty for a boy to gain his sperm, girls are born with all of their eggs.

We're ahead of the curve, ladies!
9. Human eggs, in the beginning, are roughly the same size as both whale and rabbit eggs.

10. One out of every 2,000 babies is born with a tooth already in place.

Better hope they're not a biter on the way out...
11. Babies actually cry in utero.

12. The uterus expands up to 500 times its normal size while a woman is pregnant.

13. That's not the only thing that grows. The feet, as well as the heart, get bigger, too.

14. It only takes three months of pregnancy for the fingerprints to develop on the baby's fingers.

15. An orgasm can lead to a Braxton Hicks contraction...so get off wisely.

To be clear, Braxton Hicks contractions are a sort of contraction that happens well before labor, not to be confused with labor inducing contractions.
16. This terrifying thing simulates how a baby's face forms in the womb.

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