If You Love These 17 Things Than Sorry B*Tch...you're Basic
by N/A, 10 years ago |
2 min read
Basic bitches are everywhere, all the time. But just be happy that the fall is ending...because this is the time the are strongest in numbers.
1. Take "artsy" photos, that are actually pretty basic photos of trees.

2. Take selfies wearing what looks like a table cloth.

3. Eat all o' this nonsense.

4. Making tons of cookies, because daddy's credit card buys one helluva nice KitchenAid.

5. Take goofy ass photos in pumpkin patches.

6. They put the team on their back.

7. They think that this is the reason photoshop exists.

8. They all tend to get engaged and take their engagement photos around this time.

9. They wear coordinated Halloween outfits with kindred spirits.

And by kindred spirits I do mean other basic white girls.
10. They wear an inexplicable amount of flannel.

11. They think that UGGs are an appropriate choice for footwear. They're actually proud of them and take photos in them.

12. This. They do sh*t like this.

13. They have bonfires and they need to tell people about it.

14. They love playing with leaves, but not enough to mess up their outfits.

15. There's the pumpkin scented lotions...

16. And candles...

17. And the mothership of basic products: The pumpkin chai latte.

Do not show me this again