5 Creepy Stories About People Being Buried Alive That Will Remind You To Trust No One
by N/A, 11 years ago |
1 min read
If you're biggest fear is being buried alive, these stories will do nothing to help convince you otherwise.
1. Stephen Small, 40, Kankakee, Illinois

Small was a media mogul who was kidnapped and held for ransom. They requested $1 million dollars and kept him captured in a wooden box below ground that they fed air into using a small tube. At some point, sand entered the tube which made it impossible for him to breath. He died before they collected the money.
2. Female, 45, Greece

A woman was pronounced dead after battling cancer for years. During the funeral, screams could be heard coming from the ground after she was buried. By the time her casket was opened, she was dead.
3. Mina El Houari, 25, Morocco

Houari went on a date with a man she'd met online. She was at his home when she suddenly collapsed. He assumed she died. Out of fear that he'd be accused of killing her, he didn't call the authorities and instead buried her in his backyard. She had gone into a diabetic coma, but died of suffocation from being buried.
4. Angelo Hays, 19, France

After a motorcycle accident, Angelo was pronounced dead and buried three days later. His body was exhumed by insurance inspectors to confirm the cause of death. He was found warm, taken to the hospital and revived.
5. Male, Brazil

A woman was visiting a grave in Brazil when she saw the ground move. A few minutes later, a man emerged from the grave. He had been in a fight the night before and the people he was fighting assumed he was dead and buried him.
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