13 Secrets About "The Princess Bride" That No One Knows
by N/A, 11 years ago |
3 min read
These facts will give you a behind the scenes look at this classic movie!
1. Billy Crystal wanted his character, Miracle Max to look like a cross between his grandmother and Casey Stengel, former manager of the New York Yankees.

2. Six weeks before filming started, Cary Elwes rode Andr?'s ATV and broke his toe.

3. The Rodents of Unusual Size were played by men in rat suits.

4. Shawn Wallace thought he was going to get fired because he couldn't do a Sicilian accent.

5. Director Rob Reiner told Mandy Patinkin that he could have any role he wanted in the movie.

6. He chose the role of Inigo because he'd lost his own father a few years prior.

7. A male body double in a blonde wig was used in the scene where Buttercup pushes Westley down the hill.

8. A body double was used in place of Andr? the Giant during the scene where Westley jumps on Fezzik's back.

Andrè had severe back issues. The double was still a foot shorter than him.
9. Cary Elwes and Mandy Patinkin didn't have any any sword fighting training before the film.

But they performed all their own fight scenes.
10. Andr? the Giant would put his hand on Robin Wright's head (it covered from her eyes to the back of her neck) to keep her warm on cold filming days.

11. Some parts of Humperdinck's castle are fake. The film didn't have a very big budget, but Reiner wanted it to look as realistic as possible.

12. Before writing the book, William Goldman asked his daughters what he should write about.

One told him to write about a princess. The other suggested a bride.
13. 500 women auditioned for the role of Buttercup.

The list includes Uma Thurman, Meg Ryan, Courtney Cox and Whoopie Goldberg.
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