You Won't Be Able To Resist Rereading The Harry Potter Series After Reading These 24 Facts
by N/A, 11 years ago |
4 min read
Beware, you will probably start rereading the books after knowing these facts.
harry potter
jk rowling
Fantasy Books
Film Noir
1. The engraving above the Mirror of Erised reads "I show not your face but your heart's desire" when read backward.

2. "Expecto Patronum" translates to "I await a guardian" in Latin.

3. Ron's Patronus is a Jack Russell terrier. Hermione's is an otter.

Jack Russell terriers are known for chasing otters.
4. George was never able to perform a Patronus after Fred's death.

5. According to J.K. Rowling, Hedwig's name came from a book of saints.

6. The letters in Remus Lupin can be rearranged to spell "primus lune."

That roughly translates to "first moon" in Latin.
7. If Voldemort ever saw a boggart it would be his own corpse, since he is most afraid of death.

8. Dumbledore was 150 years old when he died.

9. The last name "Malfoy" comes from the Latin word "maleficus."

"Maleficus" means evil doing.
10. Only one wand has ever been known to contain a Thestral hair; The Elder Wand.

11. Arthur Weasley was originally supposed to die in the fifth book. Rowling changed her mind and killed Sirius Black instead.

Rowling has said she was worried Ron would never be able to be happy again if his father died.
12. Voldemort is unable to love since he was conceived under the effects of a love potion.

13. Snape's hatred for Neville was because Neville was almost the Chosen One.

If he had been chosen, Lily wouldn't have died when she did.
14. If a Muggle ever showed up at Hogwarts, it would simply look like a run down building with a "Keep Out: Dangerous" sign on it.

15. Dementors don't breed like humans. Instead they grow like a fungus wherever there is decay.

16. The letters in Lavender Brown's name can be rearranged to spell out "brand new lover."

17. Bellatrix translates to "female warrior" in Latin.

18. Dumbledore is an Old English word for "bumblebee."

Rowling said she chose the name because she thought of Dumbledore enjoying humming to himself.
19. It's estimated there are 3,000 wizards living in Great Britain in the Harry Potter universe.

20. Harry wore glasses to serve as a reminder of his vulnerability.

21. Ron was almost killed off mid series.

22. Most of the Blacks are named after stars.

Sirius is named after the dog star.
23. Harry first arrived at 4 Privet Drive for the first time with Hagrid on Sirius' old motorbike. He left the house for the last time the same way.

24. Voldemort was 71 years old when he died.

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