12 Incorrect Facts About Animals You Always Thought Were True
by N/A, 11 years ago |
1 min read
You've probably spent your entire life thinking that these fact were the truth.
1. The color red doesn't anger a bull.

Bull fighters antagonize the bulls.
2. Dogs aren't entirely colorblind.

They can see shades of blue, yellow and grey.
3. The humps on a camel do not contain water.

They're made of fat stores for energy.
4. Dogs don't sweat through their tongues.

They actually sweat through their paws. Panting does help them cool off.
5. Elephants don't go to an "elephant graveyard" to die.

6. We actually do know why bees are able to fly.

People have believed that scientific calculations show that bees shouldn't be able to fly.
7. Goldfish have longer memory than you think.

They can actually retain memories for a few months.
8. Lemmings don't perform mass suicide.

This is a common misconception caused by the Disney film "White Wilderness" from 1950.
9. Daddy Long Legs spiders don't contain poison.

They can bite, but they won't poison you.
10. Flies live longer than 24 hours.

They can live between 20-30 days.
11. If you cut a worm in half, it won't create two new worms.

Only the end with the head will regrow a tail.
12. Mice don't actually like cheese more than other foods.

This is a misconception that was carried over from medieval times.
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