10 Of The Best Puns Throughout World History
by N/A, 10 years ago |
1 min read
Punny people have been around for ages, and a few of them have made history!
Warning: some of these might make you cringe...
1. The "Mouse's Tale"

The "sad and long tale" from the mouse in Alice in Wonderland includes all kinds of punniness regrading tales vs. tails.
2. "We must all hang together or assuredly we shall all hang separately."

When Benjamin Franklin made this slightly dark pun. Two different ways to hang, here...
3. "Now is the winter of our discontent/made glorious summer by this son of York."

William Shakespeare was no stranger to the pun. Son, sun? Eh, eh?
4. Nobody vs. Outis

In Homer's Odyssey, Odysseus tells the giant that his name is Outis, meaning nobody. When he later stabs him, the giant cried "Nobody" was hurting him. So no one really helped him out...
5. Land-on Washington, winning by a Landon slide.

Alf Landon's campaign against FDR really kind of overdid it with the puns. No wonder he lost...
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