10 Rejection Letters Famous People Got When They Were Starting Out
by N/A, 11 years ago |
1 min read
Getting rejected is the worst, but if these famous people can move past it and find success, so can you.

Within a year of being rejected by RSO Records, U2 was signed by Island Records and had released a single.
Tim Burton

Tim Burton sent his children's book to Disney productions when he was just 17 and received a rejection letter, along with positive feedback.
Stieg Larrson

Larsson didn't live long enough to experience his own success. This Swedish letter told Larsson he wasn't good enough to be a journalist. The amazing success of his "Millenium" series (The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, etc.) says otherwise.
Jim Lee

Jim Lee, a famous comic book writer is a writer, illustrator and designer for DC Comics today.

This letter contains no date, but must have been sent before 1982, when Madonna signed to Sire Records and sold 10 million copies of her self-titled album.
Sylvia Plath

Plath was sort of rejected by The New Yorker at one point.
Gertrude Stein

Stein's work was rejected for being too dense in 1912.
Hunter S. Thompson

This letter is actually a rejection from Hunter S. Thompson to William McKeen.
Kurt Vonnegut

A framed copy of this rejection letter from The Atlantic hangs in the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library.
Andy Warhol

MoMA once rejected Warhol, but today own 168 pieces of his work.
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