15 Things That Are Now Legal That Weren't Just Weeks Ago. #4 Seems Unbelievable
by N/A, 11 years ago |
2 min read
The U.S. is pretty progressive compared to other countries, but these new laws are going to result in some major changes.
1. New fines for reckless driving in Georgia

New penalty fines for those convicted of reckless driving will go directly to the state Brain and Spinal Injury Trust Fund.
2. Hunting and fishing laws

Mississippi residents are now allowed to fish and hunt certain types of game in the state.
3. Citizens of Missouri decided that evidence from previous offenses is admissible in trials for underage sex crimes.

4. Three states legalized marijuana for recreational use.

Oregon, Washington D.C., and Alaska joined Colorado and Washington state as states where using marijuana for non-medical reasons is legal.
5. Treatment for the terminally ill

Voters in Arizona increased accessibility of non-FDA approved treatment and clinical trials for the terminally ill.
6. New firearm legislation

Washington now requires a more extensive background check procedure for sale of firearms.
7. Reduced penalties for non-violent crimes

In California, many crimes which were previously defined as felonies have been downgraded to misdemeanors for those without previous criminal history.
8. The right to vote

Illinois passed a constitutional amendment that states, "no person shall be denied the right to register to vote or cast a ballot in an election based on race, color, ethnicity, language, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation or income."
9. Voters in South Dakota don't want insurance companies to determine who you can and can't see for treatment.

Voters decided that any health care provider should be able to join any network, as long as they operate within that carriers area of coverage.
10. "No" to the casino deal repeal

Three resort-style casinos and one slot parlor was set to be built, but people voted against it.
11. Salmon protection

Voters in Alaska voted "yes" on a measure that prohibits mining and industry that could negatively impact salmon in the area.
12. Gambling for charity

Raffles, which are considered gambling under state law in Kansas and South Carolina, for charity and non-profit are legally sanctioned.
13. Seven states are raising the minimum wage.

Arkansas, Alaska, Nebraska and South Dakota voters voted to raise the minimum wage. Select counties in California and Wisconsin voted "yes." A poll in Illinois asking if residents thought the minimum wage should be raised was met with positive results.
14. Paid sick days

Companies in Massachusetts with over 11 employees can now earn paid sick days.
15. Property taxes for widows and widowers

Residents in Virginia who have lost a spouse in active duty are exempt from paying property taxes on their primary residence.
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