22 Animals That Are Strange But Totally Awesome. #6 Is A Little Creepy Though
by N/A, 11 years ago |
1 min read
These animals are proof positive that the animal kingdom is still a bit of a mystery to all of us.
animal facts
1. Fossa

The fossa has many similar traits to cats. It's native to Madagascar and it's ankles and claws allow it to climb up and down trees head-first.
2. Gerenuk

Also called the Waller's gazelle, a gerenuk can be found in eastern Africa. Their heads are much smaller than their bodies but can reach higher than similar animals due to their long necks.
3. Kiwaidae

Sometimes called a "yeti-crab," the kiwaidae lives in deep sea vents and cold seeps.
4. Pink Fairy Armadillo

They are only 3-4 inches long and can bury themselves in seconds when threatened.
5. Irrawaddy Dolphin

The Irrwaddy dolphin can be found in the Bay of Bengal and southeast Asia. They are closely related to killer whales.
6. Naked Mole Rat

Naked mole rats are actually resistant to cancer and can live up to 28 years. They are frequently used in cancer and aging studies.
7. Dhole

The dhole is native to south and southeast Asia. They form small packs and seek out prey that they can chase and tire out.
8. Markhor

The markhor is related to the wild goat and can be found in Afghanistan. A foam comes out of its mouth when chewing which is used to extract snake venom from wounds.
9. Babirusa

The babirusa or "hog-deer's" tusks will eventually grow in such a way that they will go through their skulls.
10. Amazonian Royal Flycatcher

These 6 inch birds can be found in the Amazon basin. They live in large nests that usually hang over water, so they can stay out of predators reach.
11. Southern Right Whale Dolphin

The southern right whale dolphin are fast swimmers with no dorsal fin or visible teeth.
12. Maned Wolf

The maned wolf can be found in South America. It's long legs are an adaptation to the tall grasses in its habitat.
13. Snub-nose Monkey

These monkeys can be found in southeast Asia and live in groups of 600.
14. Zebra Duiker

This is actually a variety of antelope that can be found along the Ivory Coast and other parts of Africa.
15. Cyphonia Clavata

This insect is a treehopper that uses it's ant-like appearance to hide its actual form.
16. Southern Red Muntjac

These are found in Asia and emit a call similar to a dog's bark.
17. Lamprey

These jawless nightmare-like creatures can be found in coastal and fresh waters. They attach to fish and suck their blood and have been around for 300 years.
18. Patagonian Mara

Mara's are actually rodents and can be found in Argentina. They're characterized by their rabbit-like appearance.
19. Sunda Flying Lemur

This is not actually a lemur and it also can't fly. It glides from tree to tree in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore.
20. Tufted Deer

These are closely related to the muntjac but live a bit further north. They are also very timid.
21. Raccoon Dog or Tanuki

These can be found in east Asia and are very good climbers.
22. Star-nosed Mole

These moles are found in Canada and are identified by the 11 pairs of appendages around its snout. This is used as a touch organ and has more than 25,000 sensory receptors.
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