9 Sibling Rivalries That Will Put Your Childhood Fights To Shame
by N/A, 11 years ago |
1 min read
These sibling fights ended a lot differently than your run-of-the-mill bruises and time outs.
1. Artaxerxes II v. Cyrus the Younger

Cyrus wanted to rule Persia so badly that he launched an attack on his own brother. With 30,000 soldiers in tow, he set out to eliminate his brother. Unfortunately he ended dying in battle that evening.
2. Elizabeth I v. Mary I

While Mary was ruler, she and her sister had a disagreement about the religious structure of the kingdom. This led to a rebellion which Mary accused Elizabeth of starting. So, she sentenced her sister to eight weeks locked in a tower.
3. Ptolemy v. Cleopatra

After their father's death, Ptolemy and Cleopatra were supposed to rule together. But, in a classic case of sibling rivalry, he kicked her out. She teamed up with his mortal enemy Julius Caesar and together they gave Ptolemy the boot.
4. Henry I v. Robert Curthose

Despite being the younger son, Henry took over the throne after his father died, leaving Robert quite bitter. They had it out at the 1106 Battle of Tinchebray, but Robert still lost to his young brother.
5. Carcalla v. Geta

After their father asked that they co-rule Rome, these brothers went to war...with each other. Carcalla had Geta assassinated.
6. King Richard v. Prince John

Richard was taken hostage for ransom and his brother John decided that was the perfect time to take the throne. Upon his return, Richard took most of John's land, but later forgave him for his childish behavior.
7. John Wilkes Booth v. Edwin Booth

Both brothers grew up as actors. While Edwin was favored by critics, John was surrounded by bad reviews. They had a bit of a territory war, which resulted in John moving to the south after being shunned from northern productions by his brother.
8. Cleopatra v. Arsinoe

Cleopatra's younger half-sister Arsinoe didn't do much to incite the rage of her older sister...other than exist. Cleopatra was so threatened by her sister that she arranged to have her killed.
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