18 Facts That Are Just Plain Adorable
by N/A, 11 years ago |
4 min read
The more you learn about certain animals, the even more insanely adorable they become.
1. Sheep LOVE smiles. They react differently to different facial expressions.

2. This red panda isn't just curled like that by accident...he's using his tail to keep himself warm!

3. Sort of like how humans suck on their thumbs for comfort when they're young, baby elephants do the same thing with their trunks.

4. Macaques have a very similar winter hobby as humans: they like to make snowballs for fun!

5. Koalas carry their "joey"s in a pouch like kangaroos, but once the baby is too big for the pouch, they still get piggy back rides from mom.

6. Chicks can communicate with each other as well as with their mom from within their shells, before they're even born.

7. If a squirrel comes across a little baby squirrel who has been orphaned, often they will "adopt" it.

8. The technical term for a big ol' group of cats is a clowder.

Using it in a sentence: I had a bad day and I just really want to hang out and cuddle with a clowder right now!
9. One way that elephants show is affection is this adorable little maneuver where they entwine their trunks.

10. A baby panda weighs about as much as your average cup of tea. So teeny tiny!

11. Dolphins are protective over other creatures in the sea. They've even rescued several humans.

12. Baby chimps sometimes pick up sticks and care for them in the same way their mother cares for them. Kind of like little kids and baby dolls!

13. Scared little kangaroos will jump headfirst into their mama's pouch to hide from their fears.

14. Wolf packs provide babysitters when mom and dad go out hunting and leave their young.

15. Sometimes male puppies let female puppies beat them on purpose when play fighting. What little flirts!

16. The noise a horse make when it gets super excited and giddy is called a "nicker."

17. Corgi, in welsh, actually means "dwarf dog." I can see it!

18. Otters hold hands while they sleep. They don't want to drift apart. And now my heart has officially melted into a puddle.

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