22 Cringeworthy Things That Have Actually Happened. #9 Deserves A Ticket To Hell
by N/A, 10 years ago |
2 min read
There aren't enough awkward turtles in the entire ocean to make up for these cringeworthy moments.
1. This guy whose style was a lot different than his peers:
2. This man who has never heard of Tinder:
3. This guy who's about to have an uncomfortable time at baggage check:
4. This sad third-wheel experience:
5. This super awkward album cover:
6. When this person didn't know that she wasn't really pregnant:
7. This situation where we don't even know what's happening:
8. This uncomfortable sign in the bathroom:
9. Having to purchase condoms in front of a nun:
10. This sibling childhood photo being recreated:
11. This awkward coworker:
12. Not reading the card before signing it:
13. These two lovebirds who had a moment on the dance floor:
14. This pot unusual picture printer on this pot:
By unusual, we definitely mean inappropriate.
15. This poster's attempt at promoting equality:
16. Not getting the memo that you were supposed to chose a "sexy" halloween costume:
17. This kid who doesn't understand how marsupials make more marsupials:
And also that they need privacy...
18. This Christmas family photo that never should've happened...ever:
19. After-sex snapchats:
She doesn't seem too impressed, either.
20. This walrus who didn't expect to be turned on in this situation:
21. This pose:
22. These forbidden lovers caught in the act:
Do not show me this again