You Probably Never Knew These 11 Facts About Elephants But You Should Learn
by N/A, 11 years ago |
1 min read
Elephants are the biggest and most majestic wild animals, but there's more to them than just that.
1. Elephants can point

The fact that they can use gestures is also a sign that they are a cognitively advances species.
2. Elephants use their own version of SPF

To cool off, elephants toss dirt and grasses on their backs to shield themselves from the sun.
3. Elephants have long memories

Elephants also create strong social connections and pass on their knowledge to younger generations.
4. Elephants mourn their dead
Elephants grieving habits aren't entirely understood, but they are interesting.
5. Elephants hug in times of stress.

Research shows that elephants need physical contact during tough times. They "hug" by putting their trunks in each others mouths.
6. Baby elephants suck their trunks like humans suck their thumbs

Baby elephants also make friends for life!
7. Females rule elephant families

Elephant family groups are matriarchal by nature.
8. Elephants can recognize themselves in the mirror

This is evidence that they are fully conscious beings.
9. Elephants know how to clean house

Elephants are known as a keystone species. This means that they maintain their own communities.
10. Elephants can listen with their feet

They do this using the sensory cells in their feet and the ground's vibrations.
11. Elephants need your help

African elephants are endangered due to habitat loss and conflict with humans.
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