10 Strange Facts About Halloween In The United States
by N/A, 11 years ago |
2 min read
Lots of places celebrate Halloween, but these traditions are as American as they get!
1. The fastest pumpkin carver in the world is an American! His name is Stephen Clark, and he has carved a pumpkin in fewer than 17 seconds.

"Mischief Night" is an American thing, and it's kind of crappy.

This is the night before Halloween, and it has become infamous because so many people choose to vandalize things on this night.
People from Anoka, Minnesota, trick-or-treated for an entire week in 1920, and it earned them the title of Halloween Capital of the World.

More than half of American costumes are DIY, which is kind of awesome.

The average American spends more than 70 dollars on Halloween-related expenses.

And that's not even a bougie American.
The largest pumpkin in the world was grown in California's Napa Valley and it was freaking HUGE.

We're talking more than 2,000 pounds huge.
Reports suggest that Spiderman and Elsa from Frozen are 2014's most popular Halloween costumes.

If you live in Alabama, don't go dressed as a priest for Halloween. You could get arrested!

Americans spend hundreds of millions of dollars on pet costumes every year...

...which is a huge bummer for pets everywhere.
In Boston, crime rates skyrocket on Halloween and can be more than 50% higher than on non-holiday days.

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