11 Tips That Will Take Your Jack O'Lanterns To The Next Level This Halloween
by N/A, 11 years ago |
2 min read
Pumpkin carving isn't just some silly holiday tradition—it's an ART.
Luckily we have come across an interview from Mental Floss with one talented artist, Marc Evans, who is co-founder of the Maniac Pumpkin Carvers in Brooklyn, NY. Evans shared some tricks (or should I say treats?) of the trade, and these tricks can help any amateur pumpkin carver look like a pro in no time.
1. You're not Laura Ingalls Wilder, so opt for electric lights instead of candles.

A cold pumpkin is a healthy, sustainable pumpkin, and electric lights such as LEDs provide light, but no heat.
2. Don't carve until you're ready to display your pumpkin but one you start, haul ass.

A pumpkin is perishable. You want to work with it when it's at its ripest, not once it has started to wither.
3. Clean up house--scoop out EVERYTHING from inside the great pumpkin.

4. Don't limit yourself to a pumpkin carving kit--use whatever you've got!

Chef's knife? Use it! Exacto knife? Use it! A calligraphy pen? Get weird with it!
5. Have some water nearby while you work.

While it's not the fastest oxidizing plant in the world, it still is very much affected by being left out over time. Help it out with the assistance of a little aqua.
6. Don't cut the top off.

Cutting off the top of the pumpkin cuts off the stem, which is ultimately the pumpkin's life source. Cutting a whole from the bank is usually your best bet.
7. Keep the pumpkin in the fridge when you're done with it.

8. Don't be afraid to stick to a plan.

When in doubt, draw it out!
9. Don't shy away from a pumpkin with a funky shape.

Sometimes the strangest pumpkins can lead to some of the most distinct, unique carving opportunities. So if you see one that stands out from the crowd, go for it!
10. Make sure your pumpkin has a healthy stem.

Pumpkins naturally grow on vines, so a pumpkin with its stem still in tact will be fresher, generally speaking, than one where it has been removed.
11. Wear rubber gloves when you're working.

This one ought to be self explanatory. Pumpkins are MESSY...clean that business up!
We've given you the tips, it's up to YOU to use them. Happy carving!

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