14 Science Facts That Might Terrify You. Did You Know About The Universe's Second Earth?
by N/A, 11 years ago |
3 min read
Science is just totally awesome. There's no other way to put it! It's the way the world, and the universe around the world, works, and it's important for everyone to learn about it.
We've compiled some super insane science facts that you don't even have to crack open a text book to learn. Enjoy!
Ancient History
New Age
1. Need to buy a diamond ring for a special friend? Try tequila!
Scientists have discovered that they can make diamonds that derive from tequila.
2. Electric cars that can be charged simply by driving on the road are in the works.
3. Gliese 581c, a planet outside our Solar System, has extremely similar characteristics to Earth.
Recent studies suggest it might not actually be habitable, though.
4. An extinct species was brought back to life in 2009.
Scientists were able to bring the creature back for about seven minutes before it eventually died.
5. There is a very real hypothesis that the pyramids were built using kites.
6. Scientists were able to access a cat's brain in 2009 and record its thoughts.
7. The "Door to Hell" is a cave in Turkmenistan that is filled with natural gas. Scientists lit the cave once to see how long it would burn. That was in 1971--it's still burning.
8. Scientists have been able to completely pull a Benjamin Button on mice and reverse their aging process.
9. Scientists in Japan have created a syringe that causes almost no pain, and the mosquito's behavior was their inspiration for the needle.
10. There is a scientifically supported theory that lobsters only die from unnatural causes.
This means that, naturally, lobsters are immortal.
11. 19,232 new species have been discovered in one single year.
12. A scientist in Europe released a bacterium in 1952 that almost completely destroyed all of Europe's rabbit population.
Look at that little guy...why would anyone want to rid the world of him!?
13. It has been suggested that there is a successful method of removing allergens from peanuts, discovered in 2007.
14. Scientists are currently researching ways to give people the ability to walk/climb up walls and ceilings.
They'd do whateeeever a spiiiider can!
Do not show me this again