If You're Buying Fast-Food, You Don't Want To Order These 14 Items. Here's Why...
by N/A, 11 years ago |
2 min read
Recently some former fast food employees took to Reddits as a way to educate the site's users about what are the worst fast food options at various chains. The answers might shock you.
1. Anything from the "McCafe" menu selections at a McDonald's

The devil here is in the machinery. A McDonald's employee said they're in awful condition and the employees are not trained on how to clean them.
2. The Starbucks Not-So-Secret Menu

3. Movie Popcorn

According to a former movie theater employee, the popcorn sold to viewers of the first movie showings is actually just used popcorn from the night before that has been sitting in a garbage bag overnight and reheated when the theater opens.
4. A baseball stadium hot dog

How important are traditions to you REALLY? Because from what we've heard, these franks get served even when they're up to three days old.
5. Pasta from Panera

The primary comparison made here is between the quality of this pasta and cardboard...NOT a good sign.
6. McDonald's chicken nuggets

After all the press these have gotten, with real chicken heads making appearances amongst the nuggets among other outlandish situations, really no one should be eating these anymore.
7. The Steak and Beans meal from Taco Bell, colloquially known as "Taco Smell" or, in some regions, "Toxic Hell."

Employees have described the contents of this meal as comparable to cat food and hair gel...no thank you!
8. Beans from Taco Johns

9. BBQ Sandwiches at KFC

The chicken in these sandwiches is actually chicken from old chicken batches that is too stale to serve when not covered in BBQ sauce.
10. The Chipotle Quesarito

Do we need to elaborate here? It's a burrito wrapped in a quesadilla.
11. Wendy's Chili

The chili is a great choice...if you're a fan of shockingly old meat and beans thrown together and heated up.
12. Eggs from Einsteins Bagels

Fake eggs are never the way to go.
13. Any slurpee that you can buy at a gas station.

14. Doughnuts from Dunkin' Donuts

Don't be fooled by the alleged fresh look of these donuts—they're actually delivered frozen and reheated by employees.
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