15 Poop Facts That Just Prove That You Don't Really Know Your Sh*t
by N/A, 11 years ago |
2 min read
Let's just put it out there—everybody poops! We all do it, so we might as well accept it.
Now that we've accepted that, it's time we learn a little something about this ever-so-fascinating process!
1. Neil Armstrong dropped a deuce on the moon.

Well, not exactly. He didn't poop on the moon, per se, but he DID leave several bags of poop when he walked on the surface!
2. Germans once thought that camel poop was lucky.

As a result of this, allied forces during World War II actually started disguising land mines to look like camel poop.
3. Wombats use their poop to remember where they live.

It's very distinct and cube-shaped. So really, wombats are using the old Hansel and Gretel trick.
4. 9/11 stressed out whales, and scientists have the poop to prove it.

Stress levels in whales is indicated in their poop patterns. Scientists noticed that these skyrocketed around 9/11. It was determined that this is because after the attack, airplane traffic virtually shut down for a while. This calmed the waters, which ca
5. I could really use a wish right now

Some of the shooting stars we're able to view from Earth are actually the byproduct of burning astronaut poop.
6. The smell of books can serve as a laxative, and make people need to poop.

There's a name for the phenomenon of having to poop when you visit a bookstore—it's called the Mariko Aoki phenomenon.
7. Certain illnesses are being treated by transplanting healthy poop into sick stomachs.

...And doctors are reporting a SHOCKINGLY high success rate.
8. The Midas Touch

There is a pill available that allows you to, literally, sh*t gold.
9. The San Diego Courtroom Poop Fiasco of 2009

A man brought poop into the courtroom, smeared it on his lawyer and threw some at the jury. He was charged with robbery and assault by poop. He served hard time.
10. The ultimate team player

Larry Izzo, of New England Patriot fame, once took a dump on the sideline in the middle of the game. He didn't bother anyone and no one noticed, so when he informed people of his accomplishment, he was awarded the game ball.
11. The musical prodigy

While Mozart was known for his musical prowess, he was also known for his off-color brand of humor, which included letters to people with pretty obscene poop jokes.
12. The Parrot Fish poops sand.

Specifically, this fish eats coral and sand comes out the other end. They are located amongst many Caribbean beaches. So next time you're on a cruise, just bear this in mind.
13. The 48-pounder

Pandas can poop up to 48 pounds per day. Holy schnikes!
14. So artsy

The artist Piero Manzoni once pooped in 90 tin cans and sold them for their weight in gold. He labeled them, "Artist Shit." Who would buy these!?
15. The poo dance

This is the technical term for what happens when sloths take their once-a-week poop. Talk about backed up!
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