15 Shirts You'll Never Believe Were Actually Approved By These Companies. OMG #14!
by N/A, 11 years ago |
1 min read
In honor of Urban Outfitter's most recent FAIL (see #1), we've pulled together a list of the most offensive articles of clothing to ever hit the shelves. Yes, these products went through countless hours of testing, focus groups, and development, but somehow ultimately made it to public shopping malls and clothing outlets across the world.
1. Urban Outfitters’ Kent State sweatshirt.

Notice the blood staines? The Kent State shootings was one of the most horrific events of American history. During an anti-war protest, the Ohio National Gaurd fired 67 rounds over a period of 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis. The students were unarmed.
2. Urban Outfitters’ “Eat Less†shirt.

Popular clothing brands often come under scrutiny for utilizing models that are below weight. This shirt is certainly not helping any young woman coping with an eating disorder.
3. J.C. Penney’s “Homework†tee.

Because every girl knows, if they're pretty, and ONLY if they're pretty, homework isn't a big deal.
4. Forever 21’s “Allergic to Algebra†shirt.

Because woman just aren't interested in math.
5. Zara’s Holocaust tee.

In WWII, Hitler brought about a law requiring jewish citizens to identify themselves with a yellow Star of David. This, plus the concentration-camp-style horizontal stripes, infuriated millions of consumers before getting recalled.
6. H&M’s anti-Semitic shirt.

H&M caused an uproar by placing a sinister skull graphic smack in the middle of the Star Of David.
7. Paul Frank’s “powwow†party.

Wow, native american culture was so glamorous!
9. Abercrombie & Fitch’s “Wok-N-Bowl†shirts.

Abercrombie thought these would be a hit with their asian customers. Abercrombie was wrong.
10. Gap’s Manifest Destiny tee.

Native american activist Renee Roman Nose said it best, “Manifest Destiny was the catch phrase which led to the genocide of millions of my people, millions of Indigenous people throughout this country. I am also inviting the more than 1700 people on my Facebook page to boycott your stores and inviting them to shop with their conscience.â€
11. Victoria’s Secret’s “Sexy Little Geisha†lingerie.

They probabbly ran out of oriental models?
12. Forever 21’s “Straight Outta Compton†tees.

They probably ran out of NWA members.

13. Abercrombie & Fitch's 'Who Needs Brains'

Keep in mind, Abercrombie's average customer is practically 7-years-old.
14. Urban Outfitters’ depression tee.

For people who suffer from depression, and are proud of it.
15. Topman’s misogynist moment.

This shirt was designed to spur discussion about rape and domestic violence. Read it again closely.
Do not show me this again