This Town Has Been Plagued By A Killer ‘Goat Man’ For Half A Century
by claire_linic, 8 years ago |
3 min read
Locals know better than to drive down Fletchertown Road at night.
A science experiment that went wrong and left behind a half-man, half-goat who attacks people in the woods? Now that’s a juicy urban tale. Add a hunger for flesh and sightings ranging back to the 1950s and we’ve got ourselves straight-up legend. The story of the Goat Man has been retold for decades. The Goat Man has appeared in pop culture almost as many times as he’s been spotted in real life. It all began in a small town in Maryland called Bowie.Who (Or What) Is The Goat Man?
Our story begins at the Beltsville Research Agricultural Center in Maryland. Yes, it’s a very bland name for a very spooky place. A scientist at the facility named Stephen Fletcher was working on an ill-fated experiment where he was mixing the DNA of his assistant with the DNA of a goat. Shockingly (lol) something went terribly wrong and the Goat Man was created. Those that have seen him and lived to tell the tale describe him as an axe wielding goat-humanoid hybrid with horns and cloven hooves. The Goat Man is said to terrorize parts of Fletchertown Road, especially the part just outside the city limits of Bowie. He has been spotted elsewhere, but this seems to be his main haunt. G-Man is believed to have a cave under an old metal bridge there that he always returns to.

Searches And Sightings, Oh My!
In case you’ve been looking at a career change — may I offer up “Goat Man Expert”? That’s what Mark Opsasnick is, and I couldn’t be more jealous. Opsasnick spent his teenage years searching, or “Goat Man Hunting,” for the Goat Man with his pals. They never found him— but for Opsasnick, the fascination continued.

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