12 Brand New Species That Don't Even Seem Real
by N/A, 10 years ago |
1 min read
Every year, new species are discovered, and usually, they're pretty awesome. Here are 12 of the coolest ones discovered in 2014, but there are so many more out there that we could never share them all!
1. Atlantic Coast Leopard Frog, New York Metro Area

People have suspected a third species of leopard frog existed since 1937, but it wasn’t until this year that those suspicions were confirmed. The newly discovered frog lives in the New York City area and is known for its very distinctive cough-like croak.
2. Punk Rock Snail, Hydrothermal Vents, Western Pacific and Indian Oceans

The snail discovered near the hydrothermal vents is pretty amazing for a few reasons; the spiky shell it has as well as the fact that it’s habitat can reach up to 750 degrees fahrenheit are just a couple.
3. Possible New Snailfish, Marina Trench, Pacific Ocean
This terrifying looking fish was found living 8,143 meters below the surface, beating the record of 7,703 meters set by another species of snailfish. It’s described as incredibly fragile, and since it can’t be brought up to the surface, it hasn’t yet been confirmed as a new species, but scientists say it’s unlike anything they’ve seen before.
4. Intricate Satyr Butterfly, Eastern United States

The Intricate Satyr Butterfly has actually been living in plain sight among Satyr Butterflies for hundreds of years, since they were first discovered in 1793. Their wings are almost identical to one another, but they have very different DNA. Further testing also found another species, the South Texas Satyr butterfly.
5. Narrow-Mouthed Frog, Brazil

These teeny tiny frogs only grow to about half an inch as an adult, but it’s where they were found that is important. They live in the Brazilian forest where quilombos were formed. Quilombos were refuges for escaped slaves that grew into full-fledged economies-- and some still exist today. To honor those communities, scientists named the frogs Chiasmocleis quilombola.
6. Giant Stick Insect

Yes, that giant stick is actually an insect, and yes it’s straight out of your nightmares. The female of the Giant Stick Insect can reach up to 21 inches long, while the males are much smaller. The only other larger insect is another type of stick insect in Borneo.
7. Mysterious Glowing Larva, Peru
As this video shows, these weird glow worms still remain a mystery, but just because they look cool, does NOT mean they are cute and cuddly. They will snap their jaws when anything comes near their hiding holes.
8. Bone-House Wasp, China

The bone-house wasp is easily one of the most brutal animals out there. The female will sing a spider to paralyze it and bring it back to the nest. Once at home, the wasp will lay one egg on the spider and proceeds to bury it alive. Not long after that, the new wasp larva hatches and eats it way out of the spider-- as it’s still living. That’s not all however, the bone-house wasp will also kill ants and bring them home-- not to eat, just to show them off.
9. The Boozy Cockroach, Guyana
This newly discovered cockroach was described as “dirty, ugly, and smelly.†They also seems to have a bit of a drinking problem, as they will drown themselves in beer.
10. Bat Frog, Brazil

The Bat Frog actually has no relation to the the bat, but has a very shrill call that sounds like one.
11. Metal-Eating Plant, Philippines

This newly discovered plant has the amazing ability to absorb metal without suffering any adverse consequences. Only .5 to 1 percent of all plants growing in nickel-rich soil are able to do so.
12. Elephant Shrew, Nambia

The Elephant Shrew, while it may look tiny, is actually much more closely related to an elephant than a shrew. It’s also related to the manatee and the aardvark. In order to really be sure they were an undiscovered species, scientists had to get very close to them. Lucky for them, they found the furry creatures were fans of peanut butter and marmite.
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