15 Facts About Manatees That Will Make You See They're More Than Just Sea Cows
by N/A, 11 years ago |
2 min read
Dolphins are soooo overrated. Manatees are where it's at!
1. Manatees are slow movers. They spend most of their time sleeping, eating, or traveling.
3. Despite being so large, manatees don't eat meat.
Instead, they munch on water grasses, weeds, and algae.
4. Most mammals have seven neck vertebrae. But manatees only have six.
6. Manatees have no natural enemies.
So they’re even loved by other animals, too!
8. A manatee can eat 1/10 of its body weight in 24 hours. Can you even think about doing that?!
Yeah...I thought not.
10. They have really small eyes, but exceptional eyesight.
12. However, manatees are born underwater. The mothers help their calves to the surface for their first breath.
15. There are less than 10,000 manatees in the wild today. This makes them a very vulnerable species.
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