Here's A Bunch Of Random Facts About Lefties...They're, Literally, Insane!
by N/A, 11 years ago |
2 min read
In a world designed for right-handed people, lefties always get the short end of the stick. But they’re just as special, if not more so! Here are some ways lefties are uniquely different from the rest of the population, in pretty surprising ways.
1. Lefties win more fights because of the element of surprise. People don't expect a punch from left field.
2. Possibly as a result of this, researchers have found that ancient communities with higher percentages of left handed people got into more violent encounters.
3. Lefties have a better shot at success. Five out of the last seven presidents have been left handed!
4. Research shows lefties access both sides of their brains more easily than right-handed people.
This means lefties can be more creative and bounce back from strokes faster!
So even though lefties may have a harder time finding notebooks and scissors, they have their advantages, too!
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