Put Down That Kale, 8 Reasons Why Wine May Be The Next Superfood
This is the best news you'll hear all day.

One glass of red wine is equivalent to one hour of exercise, according to a recent study published in the Journal of Psychology. Good deal, right?
Red wine's natural compound resveratrol "enhances exercise training and performance."

Why chew gum and mints when you can have a glass of vino for fresh breath instead? Registered dietitian Leah Kaufman says that not only is wine the most calorie-friendly alcoholic beverage, but it can even act as a mouthwash. The flavan-3-ols in red wine reduce bad bacteria in your mouth.

Next time your allergies hit, try sipping a glass of white wine. While we tend to take anti-histamines to help reduce allergies, wines like Sauvignon Blanc are low in histamines, and can even relieve bad allergy symptoms, according to "The Wine Coach"Â Laura Foster.

Wine contains antioxidants which can help prevent heart disease. Obviously, too much wine, like anything else, can be bad for your health, but one glass of wine a day reduces your risk of having a heart attack and prevents blood clots, according to nutritionist Leah Kaufman.

A healthy heart and good cholesterol from drinking wine? Yep!Â
Research shows that alcohol raises levels of good HDL cholesterol by 5 to 15 percent. It also lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) levels because of its polyphenol antioxidants.Â

Obviously, if you drink too much wine you won't remember anything, but wine preserves your memory by preventing blood clots and reducing vessel inflammation.

A British study found that those who drank a glass of wine a day reduced their risk of infection by 11 percent. The flavan-3-ols in wine prevent bacteria which causes infections like gastritis, ulcers and stomach cancers.

Women who drink wine moderately have higher bone mass than people who do not drink wine. The reason being that alcohol boosts estrogen levels, which slows the body's bones from destructing. In addition, wine is rich in phytochemicals, a chemical which builds those strong bones.Â

Enjoy responsibly.Â