12 Reasons That Chocolate Is Actually Really Good For You
by N/A, 10 years ago |
3 min read
There's never a wrong time to indulge with chocolate, but Valentine's Day can certainly feel like the most justifiable. Thanks to these facts, you no longer have to feel guilty about your love of chocolate.
1. Chocolates high in flavonoids help reduce your chance of getting a sunburn.

2. Chocolate contains flavonoids, which lower your blood pressure and can reduce the risk of a heart attack.

3. Eating a serving of dark chocolate every week lowers your risk for heart failure. A square of dark chocolate a week lowers your blood pressure.

4. Chocolate is a stress reducer. A study in Switzerland found that the amount of stress hormones in anxious people dropped when they ate an ounce and a half of dark chocolate everyday for two weeks.

5. It's been said that eating chocolate while pregnant will make your children happier people.

6. Dark chocolate could help you lose weight. It makes you feel full faster than other chocolates.

7. Chocolate can be good for people with diabetes. A recent study found that people who ate a bar of dark chocolate daily had a lower potential for insulin resistance.

8. Chocolate is known for its antioxidant properties. It appears to have more flavonoids than any other food.

9. Mothers who ate chocolate daily found it easier to deal with the stress of raising children.

10. If you have a cough, chocolate might be the perfect remedy. It was found that chocolate has the same cough suppressing power as codeine.

11. According to Children's Hospital at Oakland Research Institute, flavonoids work with protein to regulate the small intestine.

12. Eating chocolate can make you smarter. Chocolate that's high in flavonoids helps blood flow to the brain for 2-3 hours after consumption.

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